thank you!

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That brought some tears to my eyes. I too have had some wistful thoughts about losing “gnarly joni” to “americana joni” - even if I love both incarnations. This piece was clarifying.

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This essay addresses all the questions I've had myself re: Joni's "comeback" and then some. This is excellent writing, Michelle. Thank you. Can you tell me where that final Joni quote comes from one--that one about people seeing themselves in her work? Thank you again.

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Thank you for your thoughtful article. It made me think about my (mixed) emotions on this topic. On the one hand it may be that we'll never get again the Joni we want. On the other hand, what if I put aside all my expectations about what she's doing now and view what's happening in the present without them?

I wish I could have seen the Gorge show....

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Can you please write more pieces in this internal dialogue style? Maybe a weekly column?

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Michelle, My eyes grew large

when seeing your brave article placing Joni under your microscope. Your ambivalence towards here was plain as rain. I would have liked to have a read with higher power articulated that she her self is caught in life’s circle game and remains a champion lyricist, painter and honest human. Your piece wasn’t that. I respect your views but pushing the pen harder on pallet with a Bob Dylan comparison is older than the Rockies and had me believe you were cynical and didn’t have compassion toward Joni but did convey passion with little mercy. Perhaps bit of Joni is in you yourself? Her music has been part of my 6 decades on this planet discovering her music in the mid 70’s by my girlfriend at the time who became

my wife. We’d have endless (and still do) conversations about her brilliant lyrics and speculated on her difficult life. Didn’t always like the music or the changes but undeniably cannot ignore her Genius. I saw her in concert during what considered her “hey-day”. She was changing but always a brilliant and complex human who, in my opinion, had a lot of issues she never recovered from hence placing her defeats

into artistry. When your article

started off with “Hey Michelle, why didn’t you go to Joni’s big show”…. I appreciate your honesty from the start by saying “I have some ambivalence about Joni’s comeback” you sure do have ambivalence and she’s not one of your favorite artists which is fine. The world is full of diversity and Roberta Joan Anderson is probably one of the most complicated and talented humans that crossed our hemisphere.

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Hey J.S., thanks for weighing in. My aim here was to dramatize my ambivalence toward Joni's comeback in a relatable way for others who were feeling that ambivalence as well, so that they, like me, could perhaps arrive at a place of greater acceptance and appreciation for the Joni of now. Joni is one of my favorite artists in any medium.

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Excellent piece! Perfectly describes my hard-to-articulate general uneasiness about the "Brandification" of Senior Joni. I've bought, listened to and cherished every one of her brilliant albums-- from LPs to 8-Tracks to CDs to Streaming-- she's #1 on the soundtrack of my life. Years ago, sometime in the early '90s, I was invited to a charitable event in West Hollywood held in a small, private home that was being converted into a hospice. Imagine my surprise, shock and awe when Joni arrived and took a seat a few feet away. As she languidly smoked, seemingly oblivious to the fact that she was the undisputed center of attention (notwithstanding Shirley MacLaine, also in attendance) I tried not to stare, wanting so much to speak to her but I wouldn't risk it. I was aware of her "prickly" reputation and knew that if I approached and she was anything less than the benevolent Goddess I'd worshiped from afar I'd be forever disillusioned, unable to listen to her catalogue of genius without remembering that Joni had been dismissive or (heaven forbid!) rude to me. In hindsight, she might've been perfectly lovely, receiving my thanks and my praise as if she hadn't heard those same words thousands of times before. Later that night, she moved to the backyard deck, sat on a stool and sang three songs, accompanying herself on guitar. Magical. A perfect memory.

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What a story! I think Joni may have spoken about this evening. I'll try to find the relevant section of my interview transcripts.

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Reservations about the Joni Jams are warranted. This sort of reminds me of the last few decades of Brian Wilson as a live entity. Everyone knows he’s not all there—and arguably not up to the task—but it becomes about cementing the legacy. Everyone loves a satisfying third act finish.

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I totally agree. Strokes changes the brain, always, more or less, sometimes subtlety, but they do. The JM we knew through her lyrics, interviews and books like yours would cast out the merchants from the temple if she see her name as a a logo to sell mugs and hoodies... She would not like being exposed as they do now, in her condition. I really felt relieved when I read your article, it show me I was not alone. Thanks.

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Something's lost and something's gained. Amen.

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You will never escape the wrath of Joni’s Phaedras… They are very loyal! But I know a few very famous singers who agree with you… It’s all in the perspective isn’t it, it’s in the eye of the beholder. I remember when asked if she liked to be worshipped she used to answer “depends on who’s doing the worshipping “. She would have hated all this. But she would have liked the special kind of worshippers that did show up at The Gorge. She also never would have released her early albums from her “helium voice” years, as she called them. “They made me sing like that” she would complain. Now she did. It’s all making her legacy more well known, she has never been more famous, good for her. I understand where you are coming from, the old Joni. I had to let her go as well. But the new one suffers less, enjoys the final chapter fully, she embraces carpe diem as a human not an artist. As long as we preserve her own recordings, they will always be there.

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So much absolutism and so many misunderstandings surround Joni, so I appreciate your clarity, nuance, and love here, Jean. As you know, J has never been anything but fully enthusiastic about her collaboration with you. She insisted on showing me the ballet film. "It's my favorite thing I've ever done," she said.

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Yes there is the Joni before and after the aneurysm. The one before created masterpieces but suffered from constant intense torment. Her genius was also a devil. Now, post aneurysm, she is like a laughing Buddha. She deserves the break. She deserves the love. She respects those who respect her. Her performing skills are not what they were but she does not pretend to be what she was. She is teaching us to accept all things with compassion. She is turning into a Lama surrounded by those who can reverberate her art better than she can now. But she sits in the center like a burning sun still keeping her galaxy brightly lit. We just have to change our expectations. Would you expect Renée Fleming to sing as well at 79? Joni wants us to think of her as an older, wise poet, who stands on their massive artistic legacy, broken but alive, like a lighthouse of love in dark dark times.

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Jean, thank you. This is the most beautiful comment. I appreciate you, and as my piece hopefully conveyed by the end, appreciate Joan eternally, too.

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This is everything I think about when I see Brandi and her together.

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Thanks so much for eloquently articulating vague nuances of feelings that have been floating around in my head about her comeback and her music in general. Your insights are a bright spot in my life!

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