Apr 18Liked by Michelle Mercer

Loved this

I'm from Cherokee County, KS (& loved both your books)

Thank you, Ms Mercer!

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Your generous music writing is surpassed by this unique memoir material. Thanks for sharing your story! Brava! I will be rereading often to learn and steal as much as possible.

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Apr 2Liked by Michelle Mercer

Egad and YIKES! You truly are a wonder, Michelle. The snakes would be my end to the farming life. Your depiction of life on the farm is wonderful and scary. I was an east coaster in the burbs and had nothing of your childhood—my dad, however, grew up on a ranch in Texas, and had a strong desire to flee when he was a child. No wonder. But, still… there is something terrible and wonderful about your dad out in the milking barn as a tornado advanced.

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